2013, ART


‘Art, among other qualities, has the capacity of transforming us into what we want to become. Without magic wands or spells, we can reach apparently impossible dreams, travel in time through every kind of words and atmospheres, and even transform ourselves into fierce animals that could scare us to death in real life.


Sara Landeta, for instance, turns into a bear to overcome the terrible blows that life might bring. She portrays herself drawing inspiration from her images and tries to understand their animal nature. She uses meticulously sharpened crayons on paper in order to patiently build herself in big formats. It is a laborious and sometimes even troubled process, whose wounds on her hands have given her the necessary strength to believe in herself and her distinguishing marks.’



Complete text+


Wonder Magazine 16
Art_ Sara Landeta by Marta Bran_ pp. 34-39_ September/October_ 2013

